131 West 85th Street Exterior Renovation



Approved by the New York City Landmarks Commission - Certificate of No Effect ["CNE"]

In Construction


New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission Review


Greg Korn Architect and Accardo Engineering have been commissioned by the 131 West Owner's Corporation to design exterior improvements to the 6 story Landmarked cooperative apartment building located at 131 West 85th Street, in the Upper West Side of New York, New York. Improvements include full facade renovation,  maintaining the white brick facade for New York City Local Law 11 maintenance requirements, and replacement of existing balcony railings, and roof parapets per owner requirements and New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission [LPC] staff review.

Project Information

Client/Owner: 131 West Owner's Corp

Location: New York, NY

Project Area [Building]: [25,000sf]

Occupancy: R [Residential]

# Units: 41 (Res)

Construction Type: I

Cost: $600,000 (Est)

Year Built: 1900

Consultants: Accardo Engineering [STR],

Contractor: Schnellbacher Sendon Group LLC