6242 Warner Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 - Garden Apartment Community - Major Capital Improvements
GKA Architects provided architectural services from concept and schematic design through construction documents and construction phase services for major capital building improvements to a 29 building garden apartment community in Huntington Beach, California. Work consisted of replacement of 116 private patios, 116 private balconies, and 58 stairways in the apartment complex, as well as 31 carports. Structural Engineering for the buildings provided by Critical Structures, Inc.
Project Information
Location: 6242 Warner Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA
Building Size: 6200sf (Apt Bldg A) (21 Buildings, 8 units each, 1 br/1ba)
7950 sf (Apt Bldg B) (9 Buildings, 8 units each, 2br/1+2 ba)
193,000 sf Total residential
Occupancy Group: R2
Year Built/ Project Year: 1968/2019-2023
Before - 2019
After - 2024
Typical Apartments - Before
Typical Apartments - After
Scope of Work Site Plan - From CDs cover sheet